Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMK Terbaru #bagian 2 @ griyachumaidi
Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMK Terbaru #bagian 2, soal ini lanjutan dari soal bahasa inggris sebelumnya dan pada bagian ini
adalah soal nomor 11 sampai dengan soal nomor 20
untuk soal soalnya silahkan menuju link berikut
untuk kunci jawaban, silahkan menuju link yang bagian
terakhir, maka akan ada link khusus kunci jawabanya.
Men : Well, I protect and save people from fire
Women : it’s such a noble. You must be ....
a. A bilionaire
b. A police officer
c. A firefighter
d. A Fire Regulator
e. An infantry
12. Teacher : Good
morning student. Let’s start our lesson. Where is John?
Rudy : ... He called me, he got a traffic jam.
a. He might be having
b. He may forget the
c. He will probably
come late
d. He is in the car
13. Tourist : Excuse
me, can you show me the way to buy marchandise?
Student : Well, the give shop over there at the corner of
the street. ... you’ll see it in the
front of the nursery school.
a. I’m sorry I don’t
b. It’s close in the
c. There are two give
shops around here
d. Just walking along
this street for two blocks
e. It is quiet easy
to find the give shop.
14. The laudress
unintentionally tore a silk blouse while she washed it this morning.
a. laudress
b. unintentionally
c. tore
d. silk blouse
e. washed
15. Mr. Bloomfield’s
ID card, whom you found yesterday, is in the filing cabinet.
a. whom
b. found
c. is
d. in
e. the filing
16. If the hotel
servise is good, the visitor would not complain.
a. the
b. good
c. visitor would not
d. would not
e. complain
17. Mrs. Susanti will
take the last flight to Jakarta this afternoon because she miss the morning
a. will
b. flight
c. because
d. miss
e. morning
18. Sucessful
candidates will be invite for the interview soon as we complete our report
a. candidates
b. invite
c. soon
d. complete
e. our
19. My cousins have
visited the museum a few days ago and they will see the temples next Sunday
a. My cousins
b. have visited
c. a few
d. will see
e. next Sunday
20. The news which
were broadcasting on TV last night was shocking.
a. which
b. were
c. on
d. was
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